FULL LENGTH TRAILER:Yes thats right the offical episode II trailer has been released on the offical site starwars.com and also it can been seen on the front of Ice Age, which has already had huge numbers of people cueing jst to see the trailer.
N'SYNC IN EP II:There is a possability that the bot band N'Sync could be in the new STARWARS film. I personally hope that the rumors aren't true and if they have been filmed they are cut from the film. Tell me what you think by leaving a message on my guessbook.
The January Grind:The offical site starwars.com has posted a report by producer Rick McCallum, entitled 'The January Grind'. Its basically a progress report of Episode II to read it click HERE!
CHRISTOPHER LEE NOT FINISHED WIT EP2:Acorrding to Christopher Lee's offical web site christmas greeting(message) he has not finished with starwars episode II yet. This could mean more filming or just voice recordings.
TOYS:Episode II toy prototypes and scans have been posted on www.collectstarwars.com, the images include Obi Wan and Zam Wesell as well as ships, etc, and Count Dooku's lightsaber. click on the link in the article to go the site and find the images.
YODAS LIGHTSABER:In recently published picutres of new starwars lego it would appear that yoda has a YELLOW LightSaber. This probally means he has on in the film, but that has not yet been comfirmed.
NEW TRAILER:The official site starwars.com has released the new tailer that is attached to the Harry Potter film. Its fanstatic! one problem is that you have to download it but if you are a member.
RELEASE DATES EPISODE II: Yes thats right the official site starwars.com has released the dates for the Episode II film. Its good news as it is released in the same weekend of the 16th or 17th of May except some places in Latin America . The list blow shows you when they are due to be released: United States - May 16
Canada - May 16
Austria - May 16
Belgium - May 17
Denmark - May 16
Finland - May 16
France - May 17
Germany - May 16
Greece - May 17
Holland - May 17
Iceland - May 17
Italy - May 17
Israel - May 17
Norway - May 22
Portugal - May 17
Spain - May 17
Sweden - May 16
Switzerland (in French, German and Italian) - May 16
United Kingdom - May 16
Bulgaria - May 17
Croatia - May 16
Czech / Slovakia - May 16
Estonia - May 17
Hungary - May 16
Latvia - May 16
Lithuania - May 16
Poland - May 16
Romania - May 16
Russia - May 16
Slovenia - May 16
Turkey - May 16
Egypt - May 29
Jordan - May 16
Lebanon - May 16
South Africa - June 21
Syria - May 16
United Arab Emirates - May 16
West Africa - May 17
Australia - May 16
Hong Kong - May 16
India - July 5
Japan - July 13
Korea - July 5
Malaysia - May 16
New Zealand - May 16
Philippines - May 16
Singapore - May 16
Taiwan - May 18
Thailand - May 16
Argentina - July 4
Aruba - May 16
Barbados - July 10
Belize - July 4
Bolivia - June 20
Brazil - July 5
Chile - July 4
Colombia - June 14
Costa Rica - June 28
Curazao - May 16
Dominican Republic - July 4
Ecuador - July 12
El Salvador - July 26
Guatemala - June 21
Honduras - June 21
Jamaica - July 10
Mexico - July 4
Nicaragua - July 11
Panama - June 21
Paraguay - July 5
Peru - July 18
Puerto Rico- May 16
Trinidad - July 10
Uruguay - July 5
Venezuela - July 3
Austria - May 16
Belgium - May 17
Denmark - May 16
Finland - May 16
France - May 17
Germany - May 16
Greece - May 17
Holland - May 17
Iceland - May 17
Italy - May 17
Israel - May 17
Norway - May 22
Portugal - May 17
Spain - May 17
Sweden - May 16
Switzerland (in French, German and Italian) - May 16
United Kingdom - May 16
Bulgaria - May 17
Croatia - May 16
Czech / Slovakia - May 16
Estonia - May 17
Hungary - May 16
Latvia - May 16
Lithuania - May 16
Poland - May 16
Romania - May 16
Russia - May 16
Slovenia - May 16
Turkey - May 16
Egypt - May 29
Jordan - May 16
Lebanon - May 16
South Africa - June 21
Syria - May 16
United Arab Emirates - May 16
West Africa - May 17
Australia - May 16
Hong Kong - May 16
India - July 5
Japan - July 13
Korea - July 5
Malaysia - May 16
New Zealand - May 16
Philippines - May 16
Singapore - May 16
Taiwan - May 18
Thailand - May 16
Argentina - July 4
Aruba - May 16
Barbados - July 10
Belize - July 4
Bolivia - June 20
Brazil - July 5
Chile - July 4
Colombia - June 14
Costa Rica - June 28
Curazao - May 16
Dominican Republic - July 4
Ecuador - July 12
El Salvador - July 26
Guatemala - June 21
Honduras - June 21
Jamaica - July 10
Mexico - July 4
Nicaragua - July 11
Panama - June 21
Paraguay - July 5
Peru - July 18
Puerto Rico- May 16
Trinidad - July 10
Uruguay - July 5
Venezuela - July 3
DVD-ROM TEASER AVAILABLE FOR PC and MACS: The STARWARS EPISODE I DVD is your key to unlocking teaser trailer, "Mystery". It is a full 2 minutes and 15 seconds long and includes diolouge and never before seen before scenes such. this is a discription of the trailer(please note that this from www.theforce.net): 20th Century Fox logo
Lucasfilm logo
Coruscant - Night - The Assassin Droid takes off from balcony.
Kamino - Day - Tipoca City as seen in Breathing, but with 'flying whales' in the sky.
Tatooine - Evening - Anakin asking Jawas at a Sandcrawler for directions (seen in Select picture)
Dialogue: Cliegg Lars: "It was just before dawn, they came out of nowhere".
Asteroid Belt - Slave I firing at Obi-Wan's starfighter.
Coruscant - Day - Landing platform - Senator Padmé's ship explodes in the first assassination attempt.
Captain Typho, Padmé and Artoo are thrown backwards by the explosion
Coruscant - Day - Palpatine's Office - Another angle of a scene shown in "Breathing". Padmé and entourage enter, Yoda greets her. Mace is sitting, thinking. Palpatine is standing looking out the window. Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mas Amedda and Sly Moore are also in the background
Close-up shot of Padmé addressing Yoda. Cordé and Jar Jar are behind her.
Dialogue: Padmé: "Do you have any idea who's behind this attack?"
Coruscant - Afternoon - Padmé's Apartment - Padmé and Jar Jar sit opposite Anakin and Obi-Wan
Dialogue: Anakin: "We will find out who's trying to kill you Padmé, I promise you."
Close-up shot of Padmé listening. Close-up shot of Anakin and Obi-Wan as Anakin finishes his line.
Coruscant - Afternoon - Freighter to Naboo takes off from Coruscant.
Coruscant - Day - Jedi Council Chamber - Close-up of Mace Windu.
Dialogue: Mace Windu: "Escort the Senator back to Naboo. She'll be safer there."
Anakin and Obi-Wan bow to the Jedi Council (Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mace, Yoda and Plo Koon are visible)
Coruscant - Day - Padmé's Apartment Padmé (with a hairdo reminiscent of Leia) is speaking to Anakin about Mace's plan.
Dialogue: Padmé: "I do not like this idea of hiding."
Anakin walks after Padmé.
Close-up of Anakin.
Dialogue: Anakin: "Sometimes we must do what is requested of us." Padmé, leaning down, looks up at Anakin.
Coruscant Nightclub - Zam Wessel approaches Obi-Wan from behind, blaster drawn. Obi-Wan spins and ignites his saber, slashing at Zam's arm.
Coruscant - Yoda speaks to someone.
Dialogue: Yoda: "Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is."
Space Over Coruscant - Senator Padmé's ship flies towards Coruscant, with N-1 Starfighter following (opening scene).
Coruscant - Padmé's Apartment
Padmé sleeping in her bedroom
Obi-Wan speaks to Anakin.
Dialogue: Obi-Wan: "You're using her as bait?"
The Assassin Droid starts to get through Padmé's window.
Padmé awakes with a gasp.
Obi-Wan smashes through the window and just manages to grab onto the droid.
Geonosis - Hangar - Anakin and Dooku battle, like from "Breathing"
Coruscant - Night - Anakin leaps into his speeder (seen being filmed in "Doing My Thing")
Tatooine - Day - Watto's Shop Watto flies up before Anakin and Padmé
Dialogue: Anakin: "I'm a Jedi."
Dialogue: Watto: "A Jedi! Whaddya know!"
Coruscant - Night - Anakin's speeder screams past camera
Dialogue: Obi-Wan: "Follow that speeder!"
Obi-Wan, in the cockpit with Anakin, points back.
Dialogue: Obi-Wan: "He went that way!"
Speeder turns in front of camera
Dialogue: Anakin: "This is a shortcut. I think..."
The speeder flies through a building's power coupling.
Obi-Wan shouts at Anakin.
Dialogue: Obi-Wan: "Anakin! How many times have I told you..."
Anakin, Obi-Wan and the speeder are shocked with purple energy.
Dialogue: Obi-Wan: "...to stay away...from the power couplings..."
Kamino - A Kaminoan riding a 'flying whale' flies up out of the water
Geonosis Asteroid Field - Slave I fires at Obi-Wan's ship
Kamino - Tipoca City - Landing Platform - Jango flies down with jetpack
Space - Slave I flies past camera
Space Over Tatooine - Anakin and Padmé's ship flies towards Tatooine.
Kamino - Tipoca City - Landing Platform - Obi-Wan whirls his lightsaber around
Geonosis - Hangar - Close-up of Anakin as he fights Dooku
Geonosis - Another angle of Obi-Wan in the capture device seen in "Breathing". Dooku stands before him.
Coruscant - Night - Alley - Anakin runs between two people
Kamino - Tipoca City - Jango flies up with jetpack, shooting at Obi-Wan
Obi-Wan leaps to the side as shots (possibly from Slave I) cause explosions on the platform.
Geonosis - Anakin is hit by Force lightning. His saber goes out.
Geonosis - Day - Arena - Anakin gets handcuffed. He speaks to Obi-Wan
Dialogue: Anakin: "We decided to come and rescue you."
Obi-Wan, bound to a pole, glances up at his own bindings.
Dialogue: Obi-Wan: "Good job."
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
The Saga Continues May 2002
Discription taken from www.theforce.net
TRAILERS PART 2:It was just the trailer shown on BBC'sNewround. it is great a bit short but really cool! However if you missed it then you can go on the offical site starwars.com and download it.(warning you need Quick Time Pro 5) If you want to see it then click HERE now.
TRAILERS:I was watching NewsRound on BBC1 and at te end they mentioned something about a story they were going to do on Monday about two of the starwars trailers the one on the offical site starwars.com and pssibally the one attached to the Harry Potter movie(Adavanced Previews on Sunday 4th November in the UK). I will keep you imformed on what was said.
IAIN MCCAIG ARTICLE: The official site starwars.com has posted a feature on Iain McCaig, the concept illustrator for Episode II. It talks about the past, present and the future at ILM and its art department. Some of the sketches and concept art featured are for Episode II. To see this article head over here!
EWAN MCGEGOR TALKS ABOUT EPISODE II: Last Saturday on Parkison, borcast by the BBC on BBC1 Ewan McGregor along with Nicole Kidman and Anne Robison of The Weakest Link. Nicole Kidman and Ewan where there to Plug and talk about Moulin Rouge. However when it came to Ewan they started of talking about it and then moved onto other projects he had planned. He metioned Starwars Episode II this is what they had to say:
Parkinson: That's one aspect of movie making, that wonderful ensemble movie making, but then the other extreme for you of course is doing the Star Wars isn't it, because here you're talking to a bluescreen, to space, is that boring?
Ewan McGregor: That's much harder, it's not so much boring (laughter), no, it's not boring (laughter again). No, I wouldn't say boring, It's technically very difficult, I mean, there's nothing there.
Parkinson: I know, so how do you do it. I mean, here you are, you stand there and what ...
Ewan McGregor: What they do is they get a guy in. In the 2nd one we shot I had to speak to these alieny people, and they had guys, you know those workmens hard hats? Well they had this lady and a man with a hard hat on, and on top a cardboard cut out of the alien's head, gaffer taped on. So they'd do a few takes and they'd walk around with these hats on, and I'd have to remember to look up there, you know. And you'd do that and you'd play the scene out. And then when they got down to the real takes, they weren't there. So you'd just have to kind of remember where you were looking. It's really difficult, and it's great to be in them.
Ewan McGregor: What I love about being in Star Wars is the kids. When kids come up to me and they ask me "Did you really cut Darth Maul in half?" and "How does your lightsaber work?" and all those things, I love that, you know. But it's very, very weird when adults come up and ask the same questions (much laughter).
Parkinson: Yeah, you get those, really like the trekkies, you know.
Ewan McGregor: A lot, a lot of them, yeah.
Parkinson: Some sort of secret society of weird people.
Ewan McGregor: Yeah, yeah.
They then went on to talk about trips he had planned one of which is for next year to that Arctic where he will go diving under the ice and hopefully see Buluga whales and many other kinds of Arctic Creatures.
EPISODE II TRALIER: Rumors are that the STARWARS trailer will be attached to copies of "Monsters, Inc.
RELEASE DATE DECIDED: Someone in America called Farmboy found a snip bit on Episode II in the New York Times film preview page. This is what they say:
''STAR WARS EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES'' Fans are still debating that dumb title, though plot details are rare. It does seem to star Hayden Christensen as Anakin, an apprentice Jedi assigned with his mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), to protect Princess Amidala (Natalie Portman) from her political enemies. May 22.
This was originally sent to theThe force net on the 5th October 2001.
EPISODE II TRAILER:Yes thats right according a the fench starwars fan magazine the Episode II trailer is going to be out in November. This is good news and mines we can a good visual look at what the next film is going to look like. For more informatition go to theforce.net Episode II page.
FILMING STOPS: The production of Episode II itself stoped to mourn and pray for the people who died in New York and the rest of America in the tragic terrorist attacks, on Tuesday 11th September 2001.
DJ EWAN:Ewan McGegor DJ's of South East of England radio station, Invicta FM. he was asked a question by a listener, who asked him Do you have your own Lightsaber? he said know "No, I don't, I don't know why, probally becasue they want to keep it until I have done the next 2 episodes and then I will get to keep it, aks me again after I have finished Episode III, then the answer will probally be yes". He also promoted his new film Moulen Rouge.
NEW MAKING OF VIDEO:The Official Site starwars.com has updated the site with a new Episode II Making Of video called "It's All Magic". The video Documentary takes a look at ILM's role on set, and what happens before the digital creations are built in the computer, or the miniatures are constructed. This is number 6 in the seris.
STARWAS ATTACK OF THE CLONES GETS A FOX MOVIES PAGE:Yep that's right the new Starwars film has got its own web page on the FOX website to see it click HERE. Its not alot but its there.
EPISODE II LOCATION COMFIRMED:Watto's shop has been officially added to the episdoe II data bank page on the offical site starwars.com.
2,000 VISUAL EFFECTS SHOTS IN EPISODE II: From StarWars Homing Beacon 41:
With over 2,000 visual effects shots to complete for Attack of the Clones, it's no wonder the post-production process will cover nearly two years. George Lucas' visits to Industrial Light & Magic have become more frequent, as he meets with the effects supervisors and makes decisions about nearly every element of each shot as it moves from concept to final.
Moving throughout the facility from tables covered with concepts on paper, to computer terminal screens, to the seats of ILM's screening theater, Animation Director Rob Coleman and Visual Effects Supervisors John Knoll and Pablo Helman consult with the director, gathering feedback for their teams comprised of dozens of artists working on hundreds of shots at a time at various stages of completion.
With digital tools created for The Phantom Menace and perfected in subsequent ground-breaking ILM projects, Lucas and the ILM team's focus is not on technology, but on getting the best possible performance from their creations, be they locations, ships, creatures or characters. Attention to detail beyond the focal point of the action can be key to making the audience believe in the fantasy being presented. The slight skid of a ship turning a corner, the shadows cast by digitally created furniture, the short attention span of a walnut-sized-brained monster and the growing discomfort of a guard as tension builds in the room are all observed through preliminary positioning, refinement of articulation and eventually final rendering critiqued on a theatrical-sized screen.
Coleman, who jokingly claims that he has the longest list of items to review because he "has the most interesting stuff", delights in finalizing an animated performance and passing it off to the group responsible for the automated simulation of real-world physics including movement of armor, material, wings and floppy ears.
"Excellent. I'll send that off to the clothing team," smiles Coleman in what has become a familiar refrain.
STARWARS EPISODE II ATTACK OF THE CLONES:Yes the name of STARWARS EPISODE II has been released on the starwars.com. To find out more go to THIS PAGE on the offical site starwars.com.
MORE NEW CHARACTERS:The two new chacters are Kit Fisto and Shaak Ti, they are new Jedi Knights. Kit Fisto is played Zac Jensen and Shaak Ti is played by Orli Shoshan. These have been confirmed on the episdoe II cast page. on the offical site starwars.com.
NEW CHARACTERS:Jango Fett and Zam Wesell have been confirmed on the offical site starwars.com on the episdoe II cast page.
TRADE FEDARTION: The offical site starwars.com has updated the episdoe II data bank page with comfirmations of characters, droids, and vehicles. We now know that Nute Gunray, droid starfighters, Trade Federation Battleships, Trade Federation Droid Control Ships, battledroids, and droidekas will be making appearences.
NEW CHARACTER:The offical site has updated the data bank. This new addition to the data bank is about tatooine and its inhabitants related to STARWARS chacters like Anikin and Owen Lars. There is a new charcter that has been added called Gragra. His name comes up on the Epsode I data bank page on the offical site. But he must star in Episode II.
NEW VEHICLE: When looking a the data bank you will notice that the Sand Crawler has been added to the Vehicles list on the Episode II data bank page. on the offical site.
LIGHTSABERS:It is possible that we will see blue, red, green, purple, yellow and even orange lightsabers in next film. Some for the Jedi and some for the Sith.
EPISODE III FOOTAGE: When watching Part Three of the Making Of Episode II video series on the offical website, George Lucas was asked this question, "So why did you shoot a scene from Episode III today?" He the proceded to say "you'll have to wait six years to find out". After that he went into a bit more detail, with him saying that it is the only shot he needed for Episode III to be filmed at Tunisia".
PADME'S GOT A NEW SHIP:Padme's got a new rocketship and boy does it look good. The front is much the same as the ship she had in STARWARS Episode I The Phantom Meance, but it has sharp looking fins, that are quite long at the back. It basically looks like a Naboo Starfighter but bigger and has two engines and bothe sides of each wing. This ship does look like it is going to move very fast through the air. There are no weapons visible on the surface. Please note that this imformation was from a concept art image from www.theforce.net if you would like to see it then click on this.
FIRST CUT OF EPISODE II: The first cut of starwars episode II has been done and it has come in at about 2 hours 30 mins. Now they have the problem of shaving another 20 mins of it to make ready to be released.
QUI GON MAKING AN APPEREANCE:Liam Nelson who plays Qui Gon has been spotted heading into the London studios. there is a chance that he maybe appearing in one of Obi wans or Anakins dreams or even the chance of him being there in a spirt image, just like Obi wan, Anakin and Yoda in The Return of the Jedi.
OBI WAN SEPERATING LUKE and LEIA:Leia was taken by Obi Wan to Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan. this explians Princess Leia Organa. He also took Luke to live with Owen and Beru Lars on tatooine. We could see this happn in Episode III, but we wil jsut have to wait and see.
CLONE TROOPERS:Yes, in one scene of starwars Episode II you can see around 25,000 clone troopers. Clone troopers are alot like storm troopers, but a little but thiner. one thing i would like to know, if the mask was taken off one of them who's face would we see?
ANAKIN MAY BE GETTING MARRIED:Anakin may be getting married to the beautiful Padm'e. He has got to make love to some one so that he can have Luke a Leia, unless they were concived by the midichorlides. If anakin marrys he would break the Jedi code and mean that he couldn't become a fully fledged jedi. However this could be one of the points that build up inside until he is turned to the darkside of the force and posibally why the Emperor targeted Anakin as his next apprentice.
DIGITAL CAMERAS BEGING USED IN ADDTIONAL FILMING:The fisrt parts of the filming were being filmed using digital cameras and now to go back and to redo scenes or shoot new ones they are doing the same again. digital filming is more easier to edit and it means it will get on the sceens quick, but it is still set to be released in summer 2002.
ONE WORLD RELEASE:Yes, as I said on my home page there will be one release date of STARWARS Episode II. Fox and Lucasfilm have agreed on one release date for the whole world. But there could be a problem for countries that do not speak english, as they will have to be edited to the right language for each country, but the are set to be released a few weeks after. Lets just hope the Lucasfilm and Fox do not change there minds or there plans. Where ever you live this is great news for all STARWARS fans across the globe
BETTER SCRIPT?:Acorroding to an interview with Ewan McGregor, the STARWARS EPISODE II, script is a lot batter that the STARWARS EPISODE I script. Is their some going on here as Alec Guinness, who as recently passed on, the Original STARWARS scripts weren't very good and the lines were predictable and Ewan McGregor is saying that the STARWARS EPISODE I script was very predictable again. However he says that this script is one of the best he has done and he feels that it will be a great film when it is released in 2002.
LIGHT SABER FIGHTS:Good news every one there are going to be some brillant fighting sequences, featuring jedis such as
Obi Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu and of course we get to see Anakin begin his training and become an acopplished jedi till the strong will of the Dark side of the force pulls him in. This really is going to be one great film
MORE SHOOTING TO BE DONE?:While George Lucas and Rick McCallum are editing the film, there are plans to fiml more sceens so that it is posible to add some more in. It is very likely that the filming will take place in England as the crew in Australia are working on other films, but they are hoping to return there later on this year.
C3-PO MADE FROM JUNK?:I have recently learnt that C3-PO has his coverings put on in Starwars Episode II, but these coverings are not the gold ones, they are bits of scrap and junk metal. this does should now let understand why in the first three films, when he has his gold coverings why he has a slive, right leg.
Starwars Episode II
The new starwars film will be set on many different worlds , here is a list of the places: Coruscant Naboo Tatooine Geonosis Kamino
NEW CREATURES: Orrays are creatures like horses that the Geonosian(a new alien race in Starwars Episode II) use to travel around on. A Geonosian being a creature that has many sorts of groups like Workers and warroirs, these creatures live on the planet of Geonosis and look like the battle droids in Sarwars Episode I and that could be where they orignated form.
COMPLETE LIST OF CHACATERS: If you would like to see the full list of charcters so far then go to www.theforce.net for the comfirmed and uncomfirmed chacter list and www.starwars.com for the comfirmed chacters.
NEW DROIDS: Below is a list of some of the new dorids in Episode II: PK-4 - analysis droid Battle droid Cook droid Rickshaw droid Superdroid / super battle droid Destroyer droid Waitress droid R4-D17 - astromech droid C-3PO - protocol droid
SHIPS OF EPISODE II: Anakin's Hot Rod, Coruscant Air Bus, Federation Droid Control Ship, Naboo Fighter, Swoop Bike, Attack Gunship / Federation Fighter, Coruscant Freighter, Geonosian Speeder, Geonosian Speeder, Gondola Speeder / Water Speeder, Interstellar Sail Ship / Geonosis Solar Sailer, Naboo Royal Starship, Obi-Wan's Ship, Republic Military Cruiser, Rickshaw Speeder, Royal Cruiser, Senate Scooter, Slave-I.
FILMING IS NOW FINISHED: The filming of episode II is finished, now there is the difficult part of editing all the film. It is still set for release in early 2002, however there are plans for more shooting in 2001. Please note that I am not responsible for what is on the sites that I have linked to and the links that they have on there sites to other web sites.




Who was your favorite Jedi Knight?